The Colour Code: The Orange Ray


The Orange Ray
Author: Pamela Blake-Wilson, Aaron Pocock (Illustrator), Sarah Evans (Editor)

Together, Calidus the ‘Lord of Light’ and the gorgeous Shakita, ‘Ruler of the Orange Ray’ describe how this vibrant energy expands their senses and responds to beauty. Magical music is the key. ‘The Colour Code Gang’, are sent to a Spanish Academy to perform in an International Orchestra, with the unique purpose of bringing together countries of conflict.

Trouble is, some have never played instruments before and they ‘freak out’! Can they trust Shakita’s promise that all will be well? A brilliant plan to harmonise the world in a special concert is met with opposition, deceit and mysterious disappearances.

It is an exhilarating adventure, yet a deadly mission for our ‘Gang’. “Driving back he thought about the wickedness behind the attack. Whoever was controlling the events did not care who got killed as long as they prevented the academy from fulfilling their dreams of uniting the nations. Evil and destruction was their business”.

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