Creating Traditions in Your Family

In by jenna

October 22, 2016 @ 2:00 pm – 4:00 pm
The Sound Temple
Perth Hills
WA (details on booking)
40.00 (or an amt affordable to you)
0414 725 968

Cost: $40 contribution

Are you questioning the traditions you grew up with? What they mean? Where they came from?
Are you wondering if, how and why you might create traditions for your family?
Do you want to tweak, deepen, rewrite or reconnect with the traditions you have, but not sure where to start?

Join me in exploring these questions and more….consider traditions upheld in a Steiner school, in our western culture as well as other parts of the world. Find what resonates with you and start to create your own. Christmas is only around the corner, let’s get something beautiful dreamed up and ready to flow for your family!

Create beautiful traditions to hold and nurture your children for a life time and beyond.

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