Jackson Lewis and Marilena Laulu

Devotional Musicians

Marilena and Jackson met at a Cacao & Sound facilitators training at the Mahadevi Ashram in Guatemala, 2016. Both had been on their own individual journeys in different parts of the world. Their paths quickly intertwined and they continued onwards to Bali, to co-create sound journeys in combination with cacao, and record Jackson’s first album; Found in Love.

As their love for each other grew deeper, so did their music. Today they share the beauty of their love with the world, inviting in the ears and hearts of those who wish to experience a deeper connection with life and themselves.

Read more about their work at jacksonlewis.bandcamp.com

Perth Hills, Western Australia | The Sound Temple Mob: 0474 555 444 | ABN: 71 568 849 946