

Author: Jude Blerau Series
Heal. Nourish. Delight

Wholefood invites readers into the world of real food, with an emphasis on the goodness of fresh natural produce and how to adapt your cooking and eating habits to encompass it.

The book takes a holistic approach, focusing on the benefits to both the mind and body that whole foods have to offer. Written in an easy and unintimidating style, it offers a realistic, practical ‘one step at a time’ approach to embracing the world of organic and macrobiotic cooking.

About the Author

Judy Blereau is a natural foods expert who has been involved with the organic and whole foods industry for approximately 15 years, teaching and food coaching.

In 2001 Judy founded the Whole Food Cooking school in Perth, Australia. Her focus is on helping people learn about good food – what it truly is, where to get it, how to use it and to give them the tools and information they need to make healthy eating a part of their everyday lives.

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