The Power of Consciousness, Matters and Miracles

How to create a more harmonious world from the inside out – adapted and inspired from Storme’s reflections. 

Over this last period of my life, in conjunction with studies surrounding grief and loss, I have identified many aspects, levels and layers of the blueprint I have received from my mother and the generations before her.

Through daily interactions with my environment, I regularly receive information and stimulus that I reflect on.  I check in with my own reactions and responses to discover exactly ‘what is my contribution to this interaction and what patterns, beliefs, limitations am I using as my context?’

The concept of a ‘blueprint’ is interesting. During an amount of self-work and personal discovery, I came to understand more about how this has meaning for me. To what extent do things get passed on from our parents and the generations before them?

Bruce Lipton talks a great deal about epigenetics in his book, Biology of Belief. I was reflecting on this some time ago when I found myself experiencing feelings of loss and sadness. I was able to identify it by being mindful of my mood and feelings and also by my responses to my environment.

I have found, for me, that if I am involved in a pattern that has roots based back in the years of conditioning – around the ages of 0-7 years – my environment will display and play out like a movie to reflect exactly those old beliefs and patterns. If I were to respond to this from a lack of awareness, then I would believe this to be a complete truth.

The feelings I had been experiencing around the time were around loss, sadness, being bullied, self pity, despondency, dejection, self doubt and a sense of a lack of data to be able to manage and proceed forward. This last piece of information “ a sense of a lack of data to be able to manage and proceed forward”, was a direct clue that the part of me I needed to explore and to address was indeed the child aspect of myself.

I am 41 years old and I do indeed have the capabilities to manage and move forward through conflict. The data for this skill exists within me, but not for the child aspect, which is the one that has been the creator and pioneer of these old beliefs and patterns.

If we look into the realm of quantum physics we discover that time is not, in fact, linear. Instead, everything is happening all at once. Personal experience has shown me that I may have some parts of myself, the child aspects for example that are in a state of disrepair. On the other hand, I have other more ‘adult’ parts that have developed skills and techniques to handle the challenge of confrontation.  I am able to move forward in a positive way to heal, or in a way that does not serve me. This is all dependent on my day –to- day choices around mindfulness, self-care, development and evolution.

When we have many aspects of ourselves at different stages of repair or disrepair, we can bring increased awareness to a memory, an age or the origin of the belief system that is behind our suffering. Tools such as regression, hypnosis, counseling techniques and sound therapy can help to assist in the healing process and bring new information and understanding to these aspects. As we do this, we allow those parts of ourselves to connect and rejoin to the healthy and balanced aspects of ourselves. The more we continue on this journey; the greater the energetic mass of health, wellbeing and balance is assimilated. The result is a stronger self, a natural resilience, increased compassion and empathy for yourself and your environment. The focus becomes on moving more and more away from our own suffering and in turn we are more able to assist and be present for those around us.

Please note that it is imperative, in my experience, that as much as possible the repair needs to be done by all three of your centers- those being the moving centre, the emotional centre and the intellectual centre. (*Gurdjieff)

During a hypnosis and regression session I once did, I remember entering into it with the feeling of being bullied and completely overwhelmed. I had many parts operating. I wanted an end to the conflict and an end to being picked on. In my thoughts, I held concern for the welfare of the other person I was having this experience with. I had a clear understanding of their suffering. I also needed to search to find what it was in myself that was contributing to the overwhelm and intensity of the situation. My adult self, under any normal circumstances, would have been able to navigate through the resolution without extreme emotions or distress. It was there that I found the child aspect of myself that was running through this conflict with me and it was this part that was the most greatly distressed. This child aspect, or ‘3 year old Storme’ was in need of healing.

During the regression I recalled a memory of having the rug had been pulled symbolically from under my feet. At that time in my life, my mum was in a distressed state herself and she was unable to connect to me and provide reassurance or a sense of security to me. As a child, I was naturally attached to my primary caregivers emotional centre and there would have been little or no distinction between my feeling and my mums.  As my mum was experiencing high levels of uncertainty and anxiety, so did I. My perception at the time was that I couldn’t find certainty from my mum at a time when I was in need of it. My response to this was to try and solve the problem myself but it left me feeling very alone. The belief that formed was that this ‘distress’ can come from nowhere. I experienced a feeling of being blindsided. I learned to suppress the feeling of uncertainty and move forward on my own, separating from my environment.

During this particular regression I used a visualization technique to aid in bringing understanding to my child aspect. I visualized the 3 year old Storme looking into her mum’s heart to see what information was available there. I discovered so much pain, anguish and sadness. I was taken to my mothers of being bullied at school. I was shown memories of my grandmothers and back to her mother. Upon seeing this lineage of suffering my understanding became full of compassion, empathy and acceptance. I worked to repair and release this pattern of suffering that had been passed on as a part of the generational blueprint to myself and my daughter.

It is important to note that my experience and memory there as a 3 year old child was also the memory and experience of my mum. We were interwoven. Inadvertently and unconsciously I had attracted similar patterns and associated beliefs.

I am always co creating with my environment and I will always have some pattern, issue or belief system that needs to be addressed and investigated. As I change myself from within, so does my environment reflect these changes. This is how we can create a more harmonious world from the inside out.

Allow us to take you on a journey of healing and integration where we endeavour to bring warmth, light and love to the childhood places inside of us and to experiences from our past where we have had little or no loving attention. This transformative event will be facilitated by Storme and the possibilities for healing and change are endless –  join us at The Sound Temple for Release and Revive Sound Healing on Saturday 10th February.



 At the Sound Temple we are blessed to have the gift of Storme’s work as a sound healer and children’s workshop facilitator.